Entries by Melissa Poe

Christmas Time!- A Social Story Resource

Christmas time is coming! Use a social story to make this year great! We are so excited for the Christmas season and wanted to share some resources with you! This time of year can be difficult for individuals with autism, but with some planning and having the right tools, it can be magical for everyone! […]

August Fun!

August is a HOT one! Have some fun inside or outside with sensory activities! During sensory activities, try and mix it up by working on different skill areas. Some examples include: Listener Responding (following a direction) Find the red one Pick up the car Where is the green ball Tact (Labeling) What color is this […]

Back To School: Helping Your Child with Autism Transition

August has made its debut! The introduction of the month means that the new school year is among us. Transitions (big or small) are often a difficult task for individuals with autism. A new year, a new teacher, a new classroom, and sometimes a new school! Wow! That can be a lot. As we end […]

Televisable ABA and BTL

Throughout our years servicing the Autism community, we have always found one consistent consideration. Change is inevitable. With change comes a commitment to exploring, learning, and adopting new ideas. In the field of ABA, we are constantly adapting to changes around us. With these adaptations, BTL prides ourselves in delivering evidenced-based ABA with a “new”approach. […]

At Home Social Skills: Earth Day Scavenger Hunt

Happy Earth Day! We have created this FREE scavenger hunt for you and your children to complete. Enjoy some time together by walking around the neighborhood, park, or backyard! During this time, try incorporating skills such as: Listener Responding Find the leaf Where is the rock Go to the door Tact (labeling) What color is […]

Let’s learn ABA: Daily Social Skills

Social Skills are often an area that learners with ASD struggle with. These areas include engaging in conversations, understanding common social cues, or interacting with peers. Many of these areas, we find necessary to successfully connect with the world around us. Fortunately, these skills can be easily addressed daily and incorporated into a regular routine. […]

Picking the perfect ABA provider? Eight essential questions to consider!

The prevalence and options for an ABA provider are increasing every year. While this allows more families to obtain a provider, it also presents a new challenge for families. Choosing an ABA provider can be a stressful, worrisome, and difficult task for parents and caregivers. However, being prepared with the tools you need can help […]

Eight Essential Questions to Consider: BTL Responds

We provided questions to consider when choosing your ABA provider, but now it’s our turn to answer those questions for you! BTL consultants recommend these questions, because to us, it is important that you have a provider who values these questions and will be sure to make these areas a priority in your child’s treatment! […]

How to Holiday: 2023

Hi BTL Fam! We have already reached the end of the year! What a year it has been. We are so thankful for another holiday season to celebrate and end the year with. Joy, happiness, and cheer fill the end of the year. However, some of us know all too well the stress, the unpredictability, […]