BTL Family Traditions

Everyone has that one tradition they do every Christmas. It may be snuggling up watching Christmas movies, opening 1 present Christmas Eve, or even something silly! We asked Team BTL what their favorite family traditions are. We love getting to learn more about our BTL families and share precious stories everyone has! Here is what our BTL family had to share: 

My favorite Christmas tradition is my family has a snowman made of boxes that we fill up every year with goodies then raffle it over for next year- Abby M.

My favorite Christmas tradition that my family does (my parents and all my siblings) is that we all wake up very early on Christmas morning to open presents, but my dad doesn’t start getting ready until we’re all awake and ready to go! So we have to sit on the stairs for about a half hour waiting for him to make coffee, get dressed, brush his teeth, etc. and wait for him to tell us we can go! Probably not a super unique tradition, BUT my favorite :)- Anne K.

My family has an annual Christmas fruitcake game tradition!  Each year, the person that “won” the fruitcake from the year’s past is responsible for coming up with a game for the next Christmas with prizes, one of which is the fruitcake to be “won” by the next “lucky” person!  Yes, it’s a real fruitcake that has been passed around for about 12 years now.  Our whole family then goes around and puts money into an envelope and the fruitcake game creator gets to choose a charity or family in need to give the money.- Melissa P.

Growing up, we would always have Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls for our Christmas morning breakfast.  After they were baked and frosted, we would place our Jesus figurine from our nativity set in the center of the cinnamon rolls, along with a candle, and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. This was always a moment of joy for me as a child, and is a tradition I have continued with my daughter!-Ashley J.

All 40 of us cram into the smallest room in my Grandma’s house and sing Christmas carols (and we are all terrible singers). -Emily H.

A family tradition of ours is making “Plukin Bread” it’s like monkey bread, but we make the dough from scratch and we all help assemble it. This is what we eat on Christmas morning along with some hot cocoa.-Leanne T.

Watching men in black on Christmas Eve!-Taelyr B.

I have so many! But my family has a tradition of playing Christmas Bingo every year on Christmas Eve. It is the most intense yet most fun game of BINGO ever and we’ve played it since I was little. Another family tradition we have is getting together to play games on Christmas rather than doing presents (we do have secret Santa!) The games are different each year, and honestly I can’t even remember which games we play but I do cherish the laughter and stories we share during them!- Heidi M.

No matter how you choose to celebrate the holidays, we hope your Christmas is filled with family traditions, laughter, and cheer this year!!

Merry Christmas from Beyond The Label Autism Services!