What it means to go “Beyond The Label”
Hi BTL Fam!
Beyond the Label is constantly looking for new ways to give more to our friends, followers, and anyone who is a part of the BTL Family. What better way to do this than to give you a place to go for our best resources, fun activities, the latest information, and how we are constantly working on TEAM BTL. SO….. our adventure into the blog world begins! First posts are always difficult to start but to begin our “blog journey” we want to share what we envision as going Beyond The Label.
Beyond The Label is defined as- pinpointing treatment to move past the patient’s diagnosis in order to maximize each individuals potential. Meaning that BTL strives to go so much farther than any diagnosis that is given. When a parent hears the words Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), their minds begin racing. They may be at a loss for words, need more information to understand what ASD means, or simply need someone to stand by them and say “we’re in this together”. Beyond the Label strives to give parents, caregivers, and every person that is a part of a child’s life, the support they need. We are here to stand beside you and help develop those tools and skills necessary to help each individual reach their optimal potiental.
Like it says on our website, LABELS ARE FOR CLOTHES! Individuals with ASD are all so unique and different that we don’t want to place any trademark on them that puts them into a “category”. No, we strive to celebrate those differences, develop individualized skills, and allow them to go much further than the tag that others may attempt to place on them. We encourage anyone working with individuals with special needs to go BEYOND THE LABEL!
By: Heidi Martin, B.S., Outreach Consultant